Sunday, 28 October 2012

Alone - Good or Bad?

So.... Here I am in my room in this lovely flat that I moved into just 1 month ago... I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised at how well everything worked out! Originally I wanted a flat by myself, but ended up in a shared flat... And yes, I have indeed heard some of the horror stories about people who move in with complete strangers... And I didn't even meet my flatmate before I moved in, because she was on holiday in her home country (Tajikistan)! Sooo I was hoping for the best, but dreading the worst...

Well,, she's back and has been for about a week and I am very happy!! Everything has worked out perfectly! We get along great and now I even have someone to watch the Xfactor with! Hehe

I actually thought that's what you have partners for, but no,, not my boyfriend! He won't watch it with me because of all the adverts and talking in-between the singing! I really can't blame him though, cause there are SO many adverts!! Grrrrrr...

Tomorrow is Monday and thus the beginning of week 8 of Uni... It is truly unbelievable how fast the weeks fly by... The coursework is starting to pile up, cause typically the module leaders choose the same week for hand-ins in every module.. What is that all about?!
Next week I indeed have two hand-ins and therefore haven't done much else this weekend than sitting by my laptop with Visual Studio as my best friend ... + Listening to my Disney playlist on Grooveshark! :)

My better half has indeed abandoned me for the next two weeks.. He went off to Spain to see his lovely family and I am left all alone.. I am really happy for him though and I can't wait to go home myself! But also I can't help but be a bit grateful, cause him being away for 2 weeks forces me to be a bit more disciplined about Uni-work, without any distractions! Well,, a good friend is coming to see me in a couple of days, but one should have a break every now and then right? ;)

Soo I think that it's actually healthy every now and again to just have some time by yourself,, provided that the time is being spent productively!

Oh well,, back to the programming... I've got 3 more hours until the Xfactor starts!!


  1. so hugnaligt hjá tær... og álmanakkin hjá Starvsmannfelagnum mitt í rokinum :) :) :)

  2. Jaaaa, mín favorit álmanakki! :) Men fekk ongan fyri 2013, so mátti finna mær onkran annan...

    1. Vit fingu, men hann er so steinbýttur, so eg havi eisini fingið mær ein annan !! Irriterandi tá tey broyta sovrit sum virkar, ha???

    2. Jaa, tað er forbiði skitið!
